About Us

My name is Lavonna Zeller-Williams-Bratschi. Yes, I am a double hyphen. Why? A very LONG and complicated story that would most likely bore you, so here is the Reader's Digest Condensed version: Zeller is the maiden name. Married Mr. Williams, had 2 boys, established a professional singing career under Zeller-Williams, Mr. Williams goes {poof}. Time passes, met and married Mr. Bratschi. Like him a lot MORE than Mr. Williams however the name Zeller-Bratschi doesn't quite have the same ring to it, so a double hyphen I became. I know, it is complicated and I will never be able to fit my name into any slot on a form, but it is me... complicated.

I am a wife, mom, professional jazz vocalist, music teacher, voice instructor,  singer/songwriter, drama camp director/instructor, entrepreneur, sewer, costumer, quilter, creator, crocheter, and anything else that I am that I failed to mention. I own a company, Zellerwear. It originally was set up to provide polar fleece hats, scarves and stadium blankets for schools to use as a fundraiser. Today it encompasses anything that is under the "creative" umbrella.

I enjoy teaching students to express themselves through music and drama (my passions), and I enjoy creating anything made with fabric, for I am a self-admitted fabriholic.

Welcome to my blog. Hope you enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. Lavonna..you won the bundle and patterns....for sew we quilt for top 3 of the day..will need your addy and particulars..congrats..madamesamm@me.com
